A class project

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
One of the things that I was so proud of from my previous blog, was something I shared about a class project that we did.  I taught 4th grade for the last 9 years before switching schools, and my class last year was incredibly artistic.  I found this amazing idea on a blog and decided to try it out with my own class.  I asked my kids a simple question:  What is one word that the bible has taught you?  I taught at a private school and wanted to tie this into their Religion class.  We made a list of words:  believe, honesty, trust, love, community, etc.

I then gave the students a blank canvas that I got from Michael's.  A pack of 7 canvas's for $20.  Add in your teacher discount + the 40% off your entire purchase coupon and I ended up spending around $30. Not bad for a class project!!!

The first step was to create the sun.  I gave each person half of a paper plate.  They traced it onto their canvas and then began painting their sky.  They were able to mix blues to create the sky they want.

 Here are some of the first steps completed:

After we let them dry over night, we used scrapbook paper to create the rays of the sun.  I had a ton of scrapbooking paper and laid it out on the counters for students to pick.  They picked 6 colors/designs and cut out the rays.  Once they had them placed, they glued them on.  We then used red puffy paint to create a swirl in the middle of the sun.  Some wanted glitter, some didn't.  It was completely up to them.

The final step was gluing on their word.  Each student got their own word.  I had a parent who was amazing and cut out each of the words for me.  AMAZING!!!  She brought them in separated into envelopes.  Once I had the envelopes handed out, I asked students to glue them onto their canvas.  Here are a few of the FINAL products:

I must say, I was really proud of this project.  We ended up creating a class book of acrostic poems using our words and submitting it to a competition.  We got an "honorable mention!"


1 comment:

  1. I love these! I will pin them for later! They make me wish I still taught fifth grade...

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom


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