Currently: March!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I have teamed up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for another Currently!!! I love all the GREEN!  :)  Here it goes!

Listening:  I am a big HGTV junky!  :)  Caribbean Life is on now!  Love love love this show!  Wish I was on a beach somewhere right now!

Loving:  I spent 4 hours cleaning out my garage on Friday afternoon/evening.  I made so much progress it's crazy!!!!  I needed to do this so bad, and I still have work to do, but I am happy with how it looks for now!

Thinking:  Wednesday begins our school's Accreditation!  It is something that we have been working on for MONTHS AND MONTHS!!!!  So much work to do to get ready in the classroom, but I am excited for it to be here!  I am so proud of the school I teach at and I can't wait to show off our Awesomeness!  :)

Wanting:  I want to be in Vegas!!!  Yes, the TpT Conference will be here soon enough!  However, one of my best friend lives there and I kinda miss him!  I always have fun and it's VEGAS SEASON!  :)

Needing: Sleep!!!!!!!  I slept for a couple hours last night on and off and today I feel like I have been hit by a truck!  Lol.  I need to finish this so I can go to bed!

Spring Break Plans:  I seriously have NOTHING planned….maybe I should head to Vegas!!!!  :)


  1. I love HGTV, especially their international shows! I would love to be on a beach right now, too. Congratulations to you and your school! That's amazing! I know how much work goes into that, so I hope you get a chance to celebrate this week! Yes, you should definitely go to Vegas for Spring Break. Sweet dreams, and have a great week! :)

  2. I'm going to be going to Vegas this summer, too! I am so excited!!! Good luck with your school accreditation. I know that is A LOT of work, but it is so worth it. Hope you have an awesome spring break no matter where you decide to go! :D
    Adventures of a Schoolmarm

  3. Congrats on your garage cleaning, I know how good it feels to get something like that going. I am wondering about your school's accreditation? Is it a private school? I am a public school employee so I don't pay much attention to everyone else! Our district has quite a lot of charter schools now. Have a great break! Paula

    1. Hi Paula!!!

      I work at a private school here in Northern California! We go through our accreditation every few years. A group of teachers come to the school and read about who we are. Then they walk around, visiting classrooms, talking to students, teachers, and parents about the school. They then give you a number of years of being "accredited" and after that number of years, you do it all over again! :)

      Where are you from?


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  5. You should totally go to Vegas for spring break. I am going to the TPT conference this summer, we will have to meet up. Good luck with your accreditation. Have a great week!

    Luv My Kinders

    1. Hi Laura!!!

      I would LOVE to meet you when we are all at the TpT Conference!!!!!! :) Where are you from?


    2. I live in central California.



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